Hey y'all!
I know it's been a while. Listen, there are some festive fan plans brewing.
If you're not on twitter or tumblr yet, please sign up for both. Then please follow @CommunityCult and http://UnstoppableCommunity.tumblr.com, OK?
New for today, please take our NBC Community fan leadership poll:
NBC "Community" Internet Fan Leadership Poll!
There are two other polls (@Uhohmorshedios and @SmoochyDaisy52), Flow charts for noobs from @SmoochyDaisy52, East Coast shenanigans from @SmoochyDaisy52 and @DramaKim, a secret fan plan and bumper stickers from @SuperSarah33, and a #CommuniCon brewing from @UhOhMorshediOs.
So, please find all of us on twitter, and we'll help you get it all sorted out!