Contact: Catherine Boyd
Twitter: @violincatherine
International Save Community Flashmob Week
February 7-February 11, 2012 (various locations and times:
International Save NBC Community Fans Nominate Abed Nadir for President
Starting Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 in Austin, Texas, fans across the country are throwing flashmobs this week in support of NBC Community. In Boston, MA, on February 11th, the theme is Abed for President, complete with “Hail to the Chief” played on kazoos.
The Save Community movement would like the world, particularly Nielsen households, to know about the existence of the humorous and critically-acclaimed show, NBC Community. To that end, organizers of the movement are currently scheming to create national print ads, billboards, and flyers for distribution throughout the USA.
“We feel that Abed Nadir, fictional character on NBC Community as portrayed by Chicago native (site of one of the flashmobs) Danny Pudi, should run for president. He IS Batman, well, he dresses up as Batman and THINKS he is Batman, so we have good faith in his ability to fix the problems which currently bedevil the US,” says accidental NBC Community organizer, Catherine Boyd. “At many of the flashmobs listed at, we will sing awkward songs in public (Atlanta is crunking, which is VERY advanced and cool), but in Boston, we will play “Hail to the Chief” on kazoos, representing our hope in the laughter-filled future that Presidential Candidate Abed Nadir and NBC Community represent.”
We the fans of NBC Community are hoping to reach 11 million Nielsen households by March. We’ve been deriving the Nielsen statistical formula, so we have a pretty good sense of what we need to do. We ask everyone to please watch NBC Community at, and then as live broadcast when the show returns to the air. In the meanwhile, we are promoting currently airing shows on NBC.
One last note: NBC Community and ABC Cougar Town have many friends in common on their respective staffs. Our Presidential Candidate Abed performed a cameo on Cougar Town and showed a great deal of love for the show in NBC Community plotlines. Therefore, our efforts are timed to coincide with Cougar Town’s return to ABC on Tuesday, February 14th at 8:30pm.
P.S. - Here’s a Bill Murray meme, urging Mr. Murray to call Dan Harmon for a role on the show:
An online magazine, (@teamAsunder) posted this image on the Abed4President Facebook page as a submission for fan buttons to wear at events. Many of us are using it as our twitter profile pictures, and will roate the image with other submissions on a weekly basis. Thank you, Team Asunder!
Participants at NBC Community 30 Rockefeller Center flashmob, December 22, 2011
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